Yuzu Spritz cookies

Did someone say Yuzu Spritz? Here are pictures from a batch we made earlier! If you are headed to the TAPpy Hour tonight at Kusshi Sushi, we will be selling them thereBut don’t worry if you can’t make it tonight, because you can still purchase cookies through our preorder form and pick them up May 8th!

Date: Sunday, May 8th, 12-3pm

Preorder Form: https://forms.gle/x6uXsFwMDuQ5U8Th7

Pickup locations:

MD: Tiger Sugar in Rockville (by Twinbrook Metro Station)

VA: One Tea House in Falls Church (within Eden Center)


In celebration of Mother’s Day, TAP-DC is hosting a Spring Bake Sale! We’re offering three homemade cookie flavors: Matcha white chocolate, Yuzu spritz and Miso chocolate chip. Please fill out the preorder form to reserve some cookies for pick-up at a designated location near you. The preorder form will be available from 4/21 until Midnight on 5/5.

We will also have a limited supply of cookies available for walk-up orders at each of the two designated pick-up locations on the day of the sale (5/8 from 12pm - 3pm). Be sure to stop by if you aren’t able to place a pre-order in time! Please note, cookies will only be available until supplies run out. Fill out our preorder form if you'd like to secure your order ahead of time. Happy Mother’s Day!